
Architecture 1 (EGDT 1090) | UVU Concurrent Enrollment - Semester: 2 Class Periods
1 Credit HS (A88223C)
2 Credits CE
An introductory architecture course focused on the art and creativity involved in architecture, as well as the science of materials and construction. The following skills and topics will covered:
Develop sketching, drafting, and modeling skills
Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Compile house plans with 3D software (Chief Architect)
Materials and science of construction
Architecture History
Architecture 2 (EGDT 1020) | UVU Concurrent Enrollment - Semester: 2 Class Periods
1 Credit HS (A82564C)
3 Credits CE
PreReq: Architecture 1
This course continues to explore the fundamentals of architecture while focusing on the art and creativity of architecture specifically in commercial design. The following skills and topics will be covered:
Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Compile plans for commercial building with 3D software (Revit)
Pre-Design (Programming), conceptual and schematic design
Site design and development
Codes and construction methods
Materials and techniques
Sustainable and efficient design
Architecture 3 | High School Course - Full Year
1 Credit HS (A82560)
PreReq: Architecture 1 & 2
An advanced course that continues to explore architecture and design while expanding computer and modeling skills with an emphasis on urban design.
Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Software: Revit, AutoCAD, Chief Architect (2D & 3D Modeling)
Further studying building materials construction and codes
Laser cutting and modeling buildings
Urban Planning: Zoning, built types and environment, design schemes
Touching on architectural theory, methodology, and communication